Monday, September 28, 2009

Meet the fam!

In order to understand my current and future ramblings, I think you need to meet a couple of folks...

Meet Josh!
(he really likes burgers)
This is my hubby. He is adorable, sweet as sugar cane, and he likes food and wine as much as I do.

Actually, I may like wine a little more than him, but he says we are the same so that I won't be self-conscious...what a dear.

He is always on his best behavior, so I let him be my "filter" since I am not so good at that on my own.

Josh also like to roll gangsta-style when he's in a sweet ride. It's always a tender moment that I love to capture.

Meet Griff!
(he is my fake child)

I should say, "Meet Gryffindor!" because that's his real name. If you don't know what Gryffindor is then please stop reading and NEVER come back here. There's no room for you.

Griff is a little toot! He is a Texas Blue Lacy which means he can run really fast and is smarter than Josh and I combined. He is the most popular dog at doggie daycare, and he has a girlfriend named Shelly - they are pretty serious. I have a slightly unhealthy obsession with him, and I don't intend to stop.

Meet my fam!
(They taught me about Jesus and how to beat people up.)

This is my family...the blood kind of family. They are hilariously fun and I love them all to pieces! We like to have sunset parties, travel every chance we get, and have fist fights over who gets to nap on the comfy couch. I win more than you think :)

Meet my hubby's fam!
(they tolerate my drama and I love them for it.)

This is also my family... the in-law kind of family. They are also loads of fun when we all get together! We like to eat at fun restaurants, design cowboy boots, and hang out in pajamas - a personal favorite pastime.

Meet my roomies!
(They lived with me in college and still speak to me now that we've graduated. I am forever grateful.)

These are two of my favorite gals on the PLANET. I have the most fun in the world with them, and they know way more about me then I like to admit. We like to perform dances from High School Musical, raise pet mice, and sing Broadway tunes at the top of our lungs.

And last (for now), but NOT least...

Meet Pink Bear!
(Been with me from the start. of my life.)

Pink Bear has been around the block and lived to tell the story. My grandmother, Cutie, attempted to replace him about 10 years ago, but it didn't fly. We like to take naps, cuddle, and tell our deepest darkest secrets. It is pretty darn special.

All of these people and animals (both live and stuffed) make each day the most fun. And I can't imagine life without 'em. Enough with the bios, though... more to come soon!


  1. I LOVE this post!! You make me giggle!! And WHEN you win the pan will you make me crepes? Thank you!

  2. Gurl! You are too funny. I read this before going to bed and thus I went to sleep with a smile on my face! Keep it up!
