Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Wine Wednesday is headin to a party! And is lazy.

Now that November has rolled around, which in itself is completely shocking, you know what time it is... PARTY TIME!

Thanksgiving potlucks, Christmas shindigs, New Years extravaganzas - it's all happening.

right now.

So what do you bring when you show up at your lovely host home of the week?

A candle? eh, ok. Some cookies perhaps? Your hostess might think you just want her to get fat, and that doesn't make friends. So what could you possible bring?

hmmm..... some vino perhaps? PERFECT!

Ok, so here is where the lazy part of my post comes in... I am cheating this week.

And I am totally ok with it.

It was a busy weekend and now a busier week which sounds like an excuse, but its not. It is just a fact. But I promise to pour my heart and soul into this next week, ok?


This article was written by my very favorite wine columnists for the Wall Street Journal, Dorothy Gaiter and John Brecher. This article is specifically about great wine options to bring to a party, and I love all the ideas they have. Even if you have nowhere to go, pick some of these up for your own private dinner party!

Because why can't grilled cheese and a movie not be a dinner party?

Oh wait. It CAN. glad we cleared that up.

So check out this little bit of genius HERE! Then go shoppin' and partyin' and everything else that is holiday-tastic.

Love ya'll! Mean it.

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