Sunday, October 18, 2009

Dance it out.

I don't like to exercise. There. I said it. But it's true! The sweatiness, the ugly sports bras, the draining of my time... I just can't stand it. I try to be all good and "healthy" - it's practically a prerequisite at Baylor, but whatever. 9 times out of 10 I just blow it off and cuddle on the couch with Griff.

But there is one place that I will never be able to hold back, and my friends, that place is the dance floor. Whether it is on the parkay tiles of a wedding reception, the Kappa room for Sing practice, or my living room on my 21st birthday, the dance floor is where you will find me. Now, I don't dance to look cute and sassy. I don't daintily sway and giggle in my high heels. I throw caution (and my shoes) to the wind, slap my hair in a ponytail, and




I get sweaty... and rowdy... and completely unattractive. But I also burn every darn calorie in those glasses of champagne that I washed down with my slice of wedding cake. Weddings are practically my only option at this point in my life. dang it...

So today, my darlings, I challenge you to forget that lame power walk, that boring yoga class, or that Satan-created elliptical. There is a far better way to work it out. and that is to dance it out.

Love ya'll! Mean it.


  1. Easy for someone who looks so good on the dance floor to say! :) But you are right... there is nothing better than turning on Cable TV's 80s station and rocking around the house!! And just so you know I think my sports bras are cute... hehe!

  2. you are the pb to my j on the dance floor. your post-birthday/kelly-clarkson/got-a-boat jeans tell the whole story. i think someone ought to make a documentary about it.

    let's not wait for another wedding to have a kick-a dp.
